Distributed deployments#

Distributed deployments will utilize the DistributedProvisioner to launch kernels across a distributed set of hosts via SSH.

Steps required to complete deployment on a distributed cluster are:

  1. Ensure passwordless SSH is configured between hosts.

  2. Install the host application on the primary node of the distributed cluster.

  3. Install Gateway Provisioners where the host application is located.

  4. Install the desired kernels.

  5. Generate the desired kernel specifications (see below) and replicate those specifications across the cluster.

  6. If necessary, configure the host application and generated kernel specifications relative to the DistributedProvisioner’s configurable options, environment variables, and per-kernel overrides.

  7. Launch the host application.


The distributed capabilities of the DistributedProvisioner utilize SSH. As a result, you must ensure appropriate password-less functionality is in place.

If you want to use Spark in “client mode”, you’ll want to ensure the SPARK_HOME environment variable is properly configured.

  • SPARK_HOME must point to the Apache Spark installation path

SPARK_HOME:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client  # For HDP distribution

Although the set of remote hosts can be specified on a per-kernel basis, it’s probably best to define the complete set of remote hosts in the host application via c.DistributedProvisioner.remote_hosts or env GP_REMOTE_HOSTS.


Entries in the remote hosts configuration should be fully qualified domain names (FQDN). For example, host1.acme.com, host2.acme.com

The DistributedProvisioner supports two forms of load-balancing, round-robin (the default) and least-connection. If you wish to use least-connection, you’ll want to configure that as well.

Generating Kernel Specifications#

Gateway Provisioners provides the jupyter-ssh-spec to generate kernel specifications for the DistributedProvisioner.


All kernel specifications configured to use the DistributedProvisioner must reside on all nodes to which there’s a reference in the remote hosts configuration and located in the same location as they appear on the primary node! As a result, it is recommended they first be generated on the primary node, then copied (in their entirety) to each applicable node of the cluster.


Each node of the cluster will typically be configured in the same manner relative to directory hierarchies and environment variables. As a result, you may find it easier to get kernel specifications working on one node, then, after confirming their operation, copy them to other nodes and update the remote-hosts configuration to include the other nodes. You will still need to install the kernels themselves on each node.

To generate a default kernel specification (where Python is the default kernel) enter:

jupyter ssh-spec install

which produces the following output…

[I 2023-02-08 16:21:50.254 SshSpecInstaller] Installing kernel specification for 'Python SSH'
[I 2023-02-08 16:21:50.485 SshSpecInstaller] Installed kernelspec ssh_python in /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/ssh_python

and the following set of files and directories:

kernel.json logo-64x64.png

launch_ipykernel.py server_listener.py

where each provides the following function:

  • kernel.json - the primary file that the host application uses to discover a given kernel’s availability. This file contains stanzas that describe the kernel’s argument vector (argv), its runtime environment (env), its display name (display_name) and language (language), as well as its kernel provisioner’s configuration (metadata.kernel_provisioner) - which, in this case, will reflect the DistributedProvisioner.

  • logo-64x64.png - the icon resource corresponding to this kernel specification. Icon resource files must be start with the logo- prefix to be included in the kernel specification.

  • scripts/launch_ipykernel.py - the “launcher” for the IPyKernel kernel (or subclasses thereof). This file is typically implemented in the language of the kernel and is responsible for creating the local connection information, asynchronously starting a SparkContext (if asked), spawning a listener process to receive interrupts and shutdown requests, and starting the IPyKernel itself.

  • scripts/server_listener.py - utilized by both Python and R kernels, this file is responsible for encrypting the connection information and sending it back to the host application, then listening for interrupt and shutdown requests.


If generating the kernel specification for use with Spark “client mode” (by specifying the '--spark' option), you’ll also have:

  • bin/run.sh - this script sets up and invokes the spark-submit command that is responsible for interacting with the Spark cluster. When '--spark' is specified run.sh will be the first entry in the kernel.json’s argv stanza,


R-based kernel specifications will see a scripts/launch_IRkernel.R script alongside server_listener.py, while Scala-based specifications will, instead, have a lib directory containing jar files for both the scala launcher (toree-launcher-SCALA_VERSION.jar and includes equivalent functionality to server_listener.py) and the Apache toree kernel (toree-assembly-TOREE_VERSION.jar)


For shared environments (typical in Gateway server deployments) we recommend installing kernel specifications into a shared folder like /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels (which is the default). This is the location in which they reside within container images and where many of the document references assume they’ll be located.

Alternate locations can be specified via option --user (which places the set of files within the invoking user’s home directory structure) or option --sys-prefix (which places the set of files within the active python environment’s directory structure).

Adjusting Kernel Specifications#

While many options can be specified via command-line options to jupyter ssh-spec install, there may be times when manual adjustments are necessary.

After generating the kernel specifications, you should have a kernel.json that resembles the following (this one is relative to the Python kernel using defaulted parameters):

  "argv": [
  "env": {},
  "display_name": "Python SSH",
  "language": "python",
  "interrupt_mode": "signal",
  "metadata": {
    "debugger": true,
    "kernel_provisioner": {
      "provisioner_name": "distributed-provisioner",
      "config": {
        "launch_timeout": 30

The metadata and argv entries for each kernel specification should be nearly identical and not require changes. You will need to adjust the env entries to apply to your specific configuration.

You should also check the same kinds of environment and path settings in the corresponding bin/run.sh file (when specifying '--spark') - although changes are not typically necessary.

Command-line options#

The following is produced using jupyter ssh-spec install --help and displays the complete set of command-line options.

Creates a Jupyter kernel specification for use within a cluster of hosts via

The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

    Install to the per-user kernel registry
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.user=True]
    Install to Python's sys.prefix. Useful in conda/virtual environments.
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.prefix=/opt/miniconda3/envs/provisioners]
    Install kernelspec with Spark support.
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.spark=True]
    set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=10]
    List of host names on which this kernel can be launched.  Multiple entries
    must each be specified via separate options: --remote-hosts host1 --remote-
    hosts host2
    Default: ['localhost']
    Equivalent to: [--SshSpecInstaller.remote_hosts]
    Specify the Spark Master URL (e.g., 'spark://HOST:PORT' or 'yarn'.
    Default: 'yarn'
    Equivalent to: [--SshSpecInstaller.spark_master]
    Specify a prefix to install to, e.g. an env. The kernelspec will be
    installed in PREFIX/share/jupyter/kernels/
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.prefix]
    Install the kernel spec into a directory with this name.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.kernel_name]
    The display name of the kernel - used by user-facing applications.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.display_name]
    The language of the kernel referenced in the kernel specification.  Must be one of
        'Python', 'R', or 'Scala'.  Default = 'Python'.
    Default: 'Python'
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.language]
    Specify where the spark files can be found.
    Default: '/opt/spark'
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.spark_home]
    Spark context initialization mode.  Must be one of ['lazy', 'eager', 'none'].
        Default = lazy.
    Default: 'lazy'
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.spark_init_mode]
    Specify additional Spark options.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.extra_spark_opts]
    List of user names against which KERNEL_USERNAME will be compared. Any match
    (case-sensitive) will allow the kernel's launch, otherwise an HTTP 403
    (Forbidden) error will be raised.  The set of unauthorized users takes
    precedence. This option should be used carefully as it can dramatically
    limit who can launch kernels. To specify multiple names via the CLI,
    separate options must be provided for each entry. (GP_AUTHORIZED_USERS env
    var - non-bracketed, just comma-separated)
    Default: set()
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.authorized_users]
    List of user names against which KERNEL_USERNAME will be compared. Any match
    (case-sensitive) will prevent the kernel's launch and result in an HTTP 403
    (Forbidden) error. To specify multiple names via the CLI, separate options
    must be provided for each entry. (GP_UNAUTHORIZED_USERS env var - non-
    bracketed, just comma-separated)
    Default: {'root'}
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.unauthorized_users]
    Specifies the lower and upper port numbers from which ports are created. The
    bounded values are separated by '..' (e.g., 33245..34245 specifies a range
    of 1000 ports to be randomly selected). A range of zero (e.g., 33245..33245
    or 0..0) disables port-range enforcement.  (GP_PORT_RANGE env var)
    Default: '0..0'
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.port_range]
    Number of ports to try if the specified port is not available
    (GP_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT env var)
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.launch_timeout]
    For Python kernels, the name of the ipykernel subclass.
    Default: 'ipykernel.ipkernel.IPythonKernel'
    Equivalent to: [--BaseSpecApp.ipykernel_subclass_name]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level]
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--JupyterApp.config_file]


    jupyter-ssh-spec install --language R --spark --spark-master spark:// --spark-home=/usr/local/spark

    jupyter-ssh-spec install --kernel-name ssh_python --remote-hosts= --remote-hosts=

    jupyter-ssh-spec install --language Scala --spark --spark_init_mode 'eager'

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`.

Specifying a load-balancing algorithm#

The DistributedProvisioner provides two ways to configure how kernels are distributed across the configured set of hosts: round-robin or least-connection. This configurable option is a host application setting and is not available to be overridden on a per-kernel basis.


The round-robin algorithm simply uses an index into the set of configured hosts, incrementing the index on each kernel startup so that it points to the next host in the configured set. To specify the use of round-robin, use one of the following:


c.DistributedProvisioner.load_balancing_algorithm = "round-robin"



Since round-robin is the default load-balancing algorithm, this option is not necessary.


The least-connection algorithm tracks the hosts that are currently servicing kernels spawned by the server instance. Using this information, the DistributedProvisioner selects the host with the least number of kernels. It does not consider other information, or whether there is another server instance using the same set of hosts. To specify the use of least-connection, use one of the following:


c.DistributedProvisioner.load_balancing_algorithm = "least-connection"


export GP_LOAD_BALANCING_ALGORITHM=least-connection

Pinning a kernel to a host#

A kernel’s start request can specify a specific remote host on which to run by specifying that host in the KERNEL_REMOTE_HOST environment variable within the request’s body. When specified, the configured load-balancing algorithm will be by-passed and the kernel will be started on the specified host.

Spark Support#

The DistributedProvisioner can be used within Spark clusters although using the YarnProvisioner to accomplish this is recommended since the Spark driver is essentially scheduled based on resource consumption within the cluster. Nevertheless, there are some scenarios where YARN client mode or Spark standalone configurations make sense.

YARN Client Mode#

YARN client mode kernel specifications can be considered distributed mode kernels. They just happen to use spark-submit from different nodes in the cluster but use the DistributedProvisioner to manage their lifecycle.

These kernel specifications are generated using the '--spark' command line option as noted above. When provided, a kernel specification similar to the following is produced:

  "argv": [
  "env": {
    "SPARK_HOME": "/opt/spark",
    "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/opt/conda/bin/python",
    "PYTHONPATH": "${HOME}/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/python:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/python/lib/py4j-0.10.6-src.zip",
    "SPARK_OPTS": "--master yarn --deploy-mode client --name ${KERNEL_ID:-ERROR__NO__KERNEL_ID} ${KERNEL_EXTRA_SPARK_OPTS}",
    "LAUNCH_OPTS": ""
  "display_name": "Python SSH (with Spark)",
  "language": "python",
  "interrupt_mode": "signal",
  "metadata": {
    "debugger": true,
    "kernel_provisioner": {
      "provisioner_name": "distributed-provisioner",
      "config": {
        "launch_timeout": 30

Make any necessary adjustments such as updating SPARK_HOME or other environment and path specific configurations.

Spark Standalone#

Although jupyter-ssh-spec install does not have an option to configure the DistributedProvisioner for use within a standalone Spark cluster, the following steps can be used to adjust a YARN Client Mode specification to Spark standalone.

  • Make a copy of the source ssh_python_spark kernelspec into an applicable ssh_python_spark_standalone directory.

  • Edit the kernel.json file:

    • Update the display_name with e.g. Spark - Python (Spark Standalone).

    • Update the --master option in the SPARK_OPTS to point to the spark master node rather than indicate --deploy-mode client.

    • Update the argv stanza to reference run.sh in the appropriate directory.

After that, you should have a kernel.json that looks similar to this:

  "argv": [
  "env": {
    "SPARK_HOME": "/opt/spark",
    "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/opt/conda/bin/python",
    "PYTHONPATH": "${HOME}/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/python:/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/python/lib/py4j-0.10.6-src.zip",
    "SPARK_OPTS": "--master spark://  --name ${KERNEL_ID:-ERROR__NO__KERNEL_ID}",
    "LAUNCH_OPTS": ""
  "language": "python",
  "display_name": "Python SSH (with Spark Standalone)",
  "metadata": {
    "kernel_provisioner": {
      "provisioner_name": "distributed-provisioner"