Development Workflow#
Here are instructions for setting up a development environment for the Gateway Provisioners project. It also includes common steps in the developer workflow such as building Gateway Provisioners, running tests, building docs, etc.
There are a couple of globally-scoped commands that are necessary to build Gateway Provisioners: make
and sbt
Our build framework is based on make
so please ensure that GNU make is
installed on your system.
If you use the typical python -m build --wheel
or hatch run build
commands, the Scala Launcher build (see next item)
will not occur! Always use make dist
to build the distribution.
Our Scala launcher is built using sbt
(Scala Build Tool). Please check
here for installation instructions for your platform.
Clone the repo#
Clone this repository into a local directory.
# make a directory under your HOME directory to put the source code
mkdir -p ~/projects
cd ~/projects
# clone this repo
git clone
Gateway Provisioner’s build environment is centered around make
and the
corresponding Makefile
Entering make
with no parameters yields the following:
clean-images Remove all docker images. Targets clean-base-images, clean-kernel-images, and clean-app-images can also be used.
clean Remove all build, test, coverage, and Python artifacts
dist Build wheel and source distributions
docs Generate Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs
helm-chart Make helm chart distribution
images Build all docker images. Targets base-images, kernel-images, and app-images can also be used.
install Install the built package to the active Python's site-packages
lint-fix Run lint with updates enabled
lint Check style and linting
push-images Push all docker images. Targets push-base-images, push-kernel-images, push-app-images can also be used.
release Package and upload a release using twine
test Run tests with the currently active Python version
A typical sequence of commands might include the following:
Clean the current build environment
make clean
Apply changes and ensure updates pass lint
make lint
If lint-related errors are present, they can usually be fixed using
make lint-fix
Build the distribution
make dist
Run tests via Makefile (
pytest -v
)make test
Build the docs
make docs
Build the images
make images
See also
See Kernel-image Dockerfiles in our Operators Guide for additional information regarding image Dockerfiles, build arguments, etc.